The Best Way to Clean a Refrigerator: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Way to Clean a Refrigerator: A Comprehensive Guide

A refrigerator is the heart of any kitchen, whether it’s in a home or a commercial establishment. Keeping it clean ensures food safety and extends its lifespan and efficiency. At Elite Refrigeration Services Inc., we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and well-functioning refrigerator. In this guide, we will walk you through the best way to clean a refrigerator, whether in your home or commercial space. Whether in Westchester, NY, or the Bronx, NY area, these cleaning tips will keep your refrigerator running smoothly.

Why Regular Cleaning is Crucial

A refrigerator is the hub for storing perishable goods in household and commercial settings. Spills, leaks, and expired food can cause bacteria, mold, and unpleasant smells to build up over time. This can affect the appliance’s performance and compromise the freshness of your food. The lifespan of your refrigerator is extended by routine cleaning, improving energy efficiency, and stopping the formation of harmful bacteria.

Gather Your Cleaning Supplies for the Best Way to Clean a Refrigerator

Prepare the necessary supplies before starting your refrigerator cleaning journey. Baking soda, a soft-bristle brush, warm water, microfiber cloths, a bucket, a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, and mild dish soap are all required. Avoid using abrasive scrubbers or strong chemicals because they can harm the inside surfaces.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Way to Clean a Refrigerator

1. Preparation:

Start by gathering all the tools you’ll need for cleaning, such as warm water, mild dish soap, microfiber towels, a scrub brush, and a vacuum with a brush attachment. Remove everything from the refrigerator and sort what should be thrown away from what can be saved for later while cleaning.

2. Interior Cleaning:

Start by taking out all removable components, including the shelves and drawers. In the sink, wash these objects in warm, soapy water. Wipe off the inside surfaces of the refrigerator with a microfiber cloth wet with a solution of warm water and a light detergent while drying. Be sure to pay close attention to any spills or sticky spots.

3. Tackling Stubborn Stains:

Make a paste with water and baking soda for tough stains. Use a soft scrub brush or towel to scrub the stains gently. Baking soda works well to get rid of stubborn stains without harming surfaces. Remember to wipe the area clean and wet with a clean cloth.

4. Cleaning the Door Seals:

The rubber door seals frequently collect dirt and grime. With a moist cloth, gently wipe them down. Because broken seals can cause temperature changes and energy loss, look for any evidence of damage.

best way to clean a refrigerator

5. Exterior Cleaning:

The exterior of the refrigerator should be cleaned with the same warm water and mild detergent mixture. Pay attention to any exposed surfaces, buttons, and handles. Abrasive cleaners shouldn’t be used because they could damage the finish.

6. Coils and Vents:

The cooling effectiveness of the refrigerator is greatly influenced by the coils and vents underneath or at the appliance’s rear. Use a vacuum with a brush attachment to carefully remove dust and debris. The build-up of dirt on these parts may cause them to overheat and, as a result, require commercial refrigeration repair in Bronx, NY, or Westchester, NY.

7. Putting It All Back Together:

Once all the components are dry and clean, reassemble the shelves, drawers, and any other parts you removed. Before placing the food back inside, ensure all containers are tightly sealed to prevent spills that can lead to future messes.

8. Maintenance Tips:

Every 3 to 4 months, make sure to examine and clean out your refrigerator. Keep a package of baking soda open on a shelf to eliminate odors. To ensure that the refrigerator’s doors seal tightly and save energy waste, ensure it is also properly aligned.

Maintaining a Clean Refrigerator

Regular cleaning is undoubtedly essential, but a few practices can help maintain your refrigerator’s cleanliness for longer:

Wipe Spills Immediately:

Address spills and leaks promptly to prevent them from becoming stubborn stains or attracting pests.

Check Expiry Dates:

Regularly check the expiration dates of items stored in the refrigerator and discard anything past its prime.

Use Containers:

Store foods in airtight containers to prevent leaks and contain odors.

Rotate Items:

Place newly bought items behind older ones. This ensures you use older items first and reduces the chances of forgotten expired foods.


A clean refrigerator is crucial for food safety, energy efficiency, and long-term appliance efficiency. You can ensure that your refrigerator, whether in your house or a business, stays in top shape according to the instructions provided in this guide. Remember that a clean refrigerator keeps your food fresh and eliminates the need for commercial refrigeration repair in the Bronx or Westchester, NY. Contact Elite Refrigeration Services Inc. immediately if you need any maintenance or repairs. We’re committed to keeping your refrigeration systems operating effectively and seamlessly.